Pouco conhecido Fatos sobre estoicismo na prática.

White (2003) interestingly notes in this respect that—just like Spinoza—the Stoics shifted the emphasis from moral responsibility to moral worth and dignity.

But, I think thanks to books like The Obstacle is the Way we’ll start to see a resurgence of stoicism amongst the military and Veterans.

Apoproēgmena = dispreferred indifferents, externals, outside of virtue that—other things being equal—should be avoided.

Following Socrates, the Stoics held that unhappiness and evil are the results of human ignorance of the reason in nature. If someone is unkind, it is because they are unaware of their own universal reason, which leads to the conclusion of unkindness.

Epictetus endured the horrors of slavery to found his own school where he taught many of Rome’s greatest minds. Seneca, when Nero turned on him and demanded his suicide, could think only of comforting his wife and friends.

lo de que sucede es de que hay que marcar la diferencia entre lo espiritual y lo carnal y vivir la vida con el debido equilibrio.

Pero la conducta definitivamente virtuosa solo día ser alcanzada por el sabio, absolutamente libre de pasiones.

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The Stoics related these propensities directly to the four cardinal virtues of temperance, courage, justice and practical wisdom. Temperance and courage are required to pursue our goals, justice is a natural extension of our concern for an ever-increasing circle of people, and practical wisdom (

Respecto a la vida del hombre, describe a éste saiba como el actor de un drama que se limita a desempeñar el papel que se le ha dado, la elección de o papel es trabajo de “otro”.

Finally, there is also a connection between the Stoics and Kant, particularly in their shared concept of duty which transcends the specific consequences of one’s action. But as Long again points out, the differences are also quite striking: while Kant arrived at his system by a priori reasoning, the Stoics were eminently naturalistic and empiricist at heart.

Afterward, he was so despondent that he couldn’t eat or drink for three days. Sophists were called from all over Greece to see what they could do about his grief, to pelo avail.

Remember that achievements can be ephemeral, and that your possession of them is for just an instant.

(It appears that Zeno’s original articulation of the principle was “live consistently” to which referência Cleanthes added the clarifying clause “with nature”: Schofield 2003.) Tightly related to this idea of following (human) nature was the Stoic concept of oikeiôsis

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